Concrete Batch Plants for Sale in Dallas Texas

Concrete Batching Plants for Sale in Dallas Texas

FESCO Direct offers top-quality concrete batching plants from JEL, Sioux, Wam, Argonics, BFK, and more. Our accumulative and decumulative plants are idea for ready mix and precast operations. Our batching plants are time-tested and provide dependable service for decades. Don’t see a plant you like? We offer custom-engineered solutions for any business.Dallas, Texas Custom Concrete Plants for Sale

Control Systems for Batch Plants in Dallas  

We are proud to offer control systems for ready mix and precast concrete batching plants. Both manual and automatic control systems make production easier and increase the accuracy between batches. Batch-Tron automatic systems utilize a touch screen and a full complement of automated controls. JEL concrete plants feature a manual plant control that can be readily customized to your individual needs.

Custom Batch Plants From FESCO Direct

Batching plants sold by FESCO Direct can be readily customized for any application and work environment. Our engineers will work with your proprietary equipment, designs and software to construct the ideal batching plant for your needs. FESCO keeps all of your proprietary information private and will never replicate your technology without your permission.      

Contact Fesco

Any standard batch plant model can be customized by our engineers. Contact us to tell us about your project’s specs.


New and Used Equipment Manufacturers Sold at FESCO Direct

                          JEL Concrete Plant Manufacturing                                      


We have leasing options for batch planting equipment

We partner with JEL Concrete Plants to Manufacture and Sell Custom Concrete Plants

JEL Concrete Plants is our partner concrete batching plant manufacturer - from stationary precast plants to fully mobile ready mix batching plants. Contact FESCO Direct and we'll help you source the equipment needed to build your plant exactly to your desired specifications.

CONTACT JEL Manufacturing

FESCO Direct sells standard & custom concrete plant systems nationwide

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