Concrete Batching Plants For Sale in Jacksonville
Concrete batch plant sales >> Jacksonville, FL

Concrete Batching Plants for Sale in Jacksonville

FESCO Direct proudly sells both new and used concrete batching plants from industry-leading brands such as JEL, Sioux, BFK Technologies and more. Every plant we sell is constructed entirely in the USA from American steel and components. Our accumulative and decumulative batching plants can be used for ready mix or precast production. You can be confident that your concrete batching plant will be supported with replacement parts and troubleshooting services from experienced contractors.   

Custom-Designed Concrete Plants

Acumulator and decumulator batch plants from FESCO Direct offer proven reliability in for precast or ready-mix applications. Our team of engineers will design a custom batching plant to meet the needs of any business. Concrete plants from FESCO are ideal for any production volume and can be easily configured for mobile or stationary use.

Control systems for concrete plants in Jacksonville

Automatic and manual concrete control systems are a worthwhile upgrade to any batching plant. Control systems help ensure consistency between batches and improve the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process. For low-volume production, manual control systems from JEL are budget-conscious solutions. Batch-Tron automatic control systems can be customized to various functions within your concrete plant.

Contact Fesco

Any standard batch plant model can be customized by our engineers. Contact us to tell us about your project’s specs.


Used Concrete Batch Plants For Sale in Texas

Find used concrete batching plant equipment from top manufacturers like JELBFK, and Argonics at a low price. Visit our used parts/plants department to find: pressure washersblock plant moldsconcrete mixers, water heatersconveyorsbins & full concrete plants. Many parts come from businesses that FESCO Direct routinely works with so we know they're reliable and durable. Don't settle for paying full price when you can find second-hand batch plant equipment that is ready to be put to work at FESCO Direct. 


FESCO Works With The Following Equipment Manufacturers:

                          JEL Concrete Plant Manufacturing                                      


We have leasing options for batch planting equipment


FESCO Direct Partners with JEL Concrete Plants in the Manufacture and Sale of Custom Concrete Plants

JEL Concrete Plants is our partner concrete batching plant manufacturer - from stationary precast plants to fully mobile ready mix batching plants. Contact FESCO Direct and we'll help you source the equipment needed to build your plant exactly to your desired specifications.

CONTACT JEL Manufacturing


FESCO Direct sells standard & custom concrete plant systems nationwide

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